Happy Sunday! Fast and Testimony meeting was incredibly uplifting today; I absolutely love the ward that I attend out here. And the hymns. I have a strong testimony of the power of hymns. Which reminds me, I had this great idea that this blog needs background music, just like the rest of my life. So please listen to this song while reading (it's my new favorite rendition and the closing hymn of sacrament meeting today): How Great Thou Art.
So I had planned on doing absolutely nothing for Halloween on Monday, but someone had other ideas. Sarah, Clark, and I ended up going out for hot cocoa and apple cider and walking around. The people who live up on Capitol Hill are pretty well-off (no surprise there) and so they had fantastic trick-or-treating. Now we didn't set off with the intent of getting candy, but a couple houses offered us king sized candy bars, so why refuse? We walked along East Capitol where all the festivities were. It was so fun to see all the different families in their costumes - my favorite was a group of people on rollerskates in 70s exercise attire, pushing a cart with a boombox and a disco ball. They were a rollerskating disco parade. Clark also got this guy with a knife and a mask to chase me and Sarah down the street...NOT funny. But I guess it made the picturesque Halloween even more picturesque. After walking around for an hour or two, we ended up at this famous diner/brunch place called Ted's Bulletin where they make homemade pop tarts. Not only was it delicious, but their cakes make really great Jenga games.
Saturday was a nice quiet day. I made french toast and scrambled omelets (they were just supposed to be omelets, but I'm never patient enough for that) and we had leftover caramel instead of syrup. Yes, you do want to live with me sometime. #Humble
Clark joined us girls in the afternoon and we spent several hours at Eastern Market and the second coolest used bookstore I've ever been in. Basically, it's what my house will look like one day. The inside is a three-floor maze made out of books, with snarky handwritten signs all over. There are two photos, because you have to see both.
I also celebrated National Redhead Day on Saturday, so here's this short video clip for your enjoyment, just in case you haven't already seen it:
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