I'm Ba-ack!

     To blogging, that is. Because I'm actually leaving again super soon. But I guess I should update you all on the past three months since I've been home, shouldn't I? I did attempt to write about a month after I got back, but when I was about halfway through, I trailed off mid-sentence and found it that way today, two months later.
     So in a nutshell, coming home and immediately starting school was even more difficult than I thought it would be. I don't think I really got readjusted until mid-June - the culture shock, jet lag, sickness, lack of motivation, and learning how to be a student again were just really hard for me. Motivation was definitely (and still is, to a degree) the hardest thing. This is an excerpt from my journal about a month after I'd been home: "The hardest thing about being back in school is how unfulfilling it is after teaching kids. Although there were days that I really thought I was done forever, teaching meant something. Not that college isn't good. It's really good. I enjoy learning, so it's not like I don't enjoy school, but doing homework just isn't the same as playing with my kids every day. I selfishly miss all the hugs and love I received as well. I don't think my textbooks are ever happy to see me..."

    Since then, I've been able to pick myself up and start over with new dreams, new goals, new motivations. This is partly why I took my semester-long blogging sabbatical (totally a thing?). I needed a few months to re-evaluate my life and what I wanted. And how I wanted to get those things. Ukraine was my perspective change, this semester was deciding what to do with that. More on this in the coming months, I think.
     Now that we got the last three months out of the way, on to the now! I got an awesome job this semester that I love; I work in the archives at the school library. Perfect, right? It feeds my need for history. And a cash inflow... 
     I will be finally done with this semester in two weeks, I just gotta survive one more week of classes and finals, and then I'll be free. Right after that I leave for Japan to spend about 4 weeks with my dad. I'm pretty excited, just not about the humidity! And don't worry, I'll be good about keeping you updated.

     This semester has definitely had its share of ups and downs, and I have to admit, my emotions have been a roller coaster ride. But I have a couple of great friends who eat ice cream with me and always make me laugh, and I have a fantastic mom who listens whenever I call her. Which is like, a couple times a week, at least. She's the sole reason I pay for unlimited talk on my cell phone.
To finals and a well-earned summer break!
