Pozniaky - The Greatest School in Kyiv

     Alrighty, when I first came over here, I was under the impression that we would be teaching at an actual elementary school, maybe sharing classrooms with actual teachers or something. I was wrong. We have our own school. In fact, Kyiv 2 has three schools and one experimental school. There's Obolon, which is waaaaaaaaaaaaay out there, and they also teach at a private school, but I think it'll be closed because there's not enough kids. Next is Central, which I've been told is fairly nice and there's not too many kids. I teach at Pozniaky, and it doesn't matter who you ask, they'll tell you it's the best of the schools.

     First of all, the coordinator at Pozniaky is Olia. Like I've said before, she is the bomb dot com. Every day she makes all ten of us lunch, she's at school with us always, and she's super helpful with whatever we may need. We all love her to pieces, and I am so blessed to call her my host mom.

     Pozniaky has three classrooms, a storage room, Olia's office, and a little office for the teachers. Not gonna lie, this is my favorite room. We have our own little place to go and sit to prepare lessons, talk, and take a break from the kids. Olia has the whole school painted in happy, refreshing colors, and there are kid's art projects decorating the walls. In the coat room is an American map with each of our faces and a short bio on us in Russian for all the parents to read.
     Because we have so many students, the foyer is my classroom on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. At first I hated it because there's always parents and kids getting water, going to the bathroom, or going to Olia's office, but now I wouldn't trade it. Sorry these pics are so grainy - I'm only a good photographer sometimes!

     Some random things: I have a pair of flats that just stay at school, because Ukrainians don't like you wearing your outside shoes inside. Also, all the ILP schools are called Little America. If I accidentally referenced to the school as ILP, the kids wouldn't know what I was talking about. 
     And for your enjoyment, a timelapse from my apartment all the way to when we had to turn around to go back for the lunches. Hahaha, the whole timelapse is too big to paste on here and I'm not patient enough to fix it. Mackay and I definitely have the easiest commute!

