What Am I Doing?

     Happy 2015 friends! I have so much to say, but it all kind of relates, so...

      I am so excited for this next adventure! And I need it - badly. This past semester was super rough. I would not recommend taking 18 credits, ever. Also, I thought I had already learned how to enjoy doing everything alone, but apparently not well enough. Others moving on may be a natural part of life, but that doesn't mean that it's not painful. And that's all I have to say about that. The next four months will be a completely different change of scenery and pace (pretty sure that's an understatement), and I need a reprieve before diving into the next two very hectic years.
      Leaving for Ukraine on the 1st of January is so perfect! Symbolically, that is... I am definitely disappointed that I don't get to see Sara safely settled in Rexburg before I leave, but Spring semester will be fantastic - I have been looking forward to rooming with one of my best friends again ever since we left Virginia last May. Just don't get engaged while I'm gone, okay Sara? Because then I'd have to find a new roommate.
     I have made lots of goals for the next four months, one of which is to blog like crazy. Two reasons for this: one, to keep in touch with all of you who love me and are worried about my safety, and two, because I have read ahem, stalked every ILP participant blog I could get my hands on (thank you, Pinterest!) and those from Ukraine were (for the most part) sadly lacking and not very helpful. So there will probably be posts that may seem boring to most of you, but hopefully helpful for future ILPers! Unless I drop the ball on this one, because honestly, this is at the bottom of my goal list. But it is on my goal list and I'll only be teaching a max. of 20 hours, so hopefully I'll find time.
     And don't think that I forgot about my 8 month challenge! Here's month 5 for y'all, and can I just take a moment to say how absolutely perfect these have aligned with my life? This month's challenge: Be accepting.
     "Don't judge others if they did something immoral, unethical, or wrong. Take a stand in their shoes. Love them through it and don't give into bad judgement. Love those around you, even if you may not agree with their actions. Accept people, situations, and outcomes."

     I promise I didn't plan this! But how fitting for this month, particularly because it's January 1 and I'm on my way to Ukraine? The next four months will be hard, there will be tears, there will be days I just want to be home, but it will be oh so worth it because there will also be new friends, laughter, and days I will never want to come home. Ukraine has already captured my heart and I still haven't left Salt Lake - I can't wait to find out what happens next.
     Until April 19, America!
