Because serving others is FUN!!
Alright, how did you all do at complimenting others last month? To be honest, I thought this last one would be a lot easier than it was! And I'll be honest again, I already know this month's challenge is going to be hard for me. Are you ready for it? Okay, here we go:
Volunteer and Serve Others
Now I know that most of us (all of us) are super busy and don't exactly have the time or means to volunteer at some organization every day. So our modified goal for the month is to find a way to serve those you live with everyday. Then, if possible, try and find an organization (church callings totally count!) to volunteer for just once a week.
I think that for this challenge, it will be easiest to just come up with a plan now that you can follow everyday/week. For example, I always only do my own dishes, and let my roommates' dishes sit in the sink for an unknown amount of time. So I guess this month, I'll be doing dishes! For my volunteer work I'm going to go do Adopt-a-Grandparent on Thursdays. Twice a week a group here on campus goes to a nursing home and plays games with the residents there.
Another thing that might be fun is to make November a "random acts of kindness" month. (The week of Valentine's Day is the official Random Acts of Kindness Week, but who said we have to follow official things?) I've considered doing this for the longest time, I just never get around to doing anything, so now's my chance! I've found and will now share with you several websites that have TONS of ideas - most of which seem pretty easy - for random acts of kindness: #RAKtivist, Tickles to giggles, 100 acts, Clarks Condensed, PopSugar, and 101 Ideas.
A favorite quote of mine that is super applicable for our challenge this month ('cause, you know, the other quotes I posted on here aren't at all relevant) is from Elder Marion D. Hanks. He said, "The Lord said, speaking of His servants, 'Their arm shall be my arm.' [D&C 35:14] Have you thought about this? To me this is one of the most sacred and significant and personal commissions I can read about in the holy records or elsewhere. The Lord says this arm of mine is His arm. This mind, this tongue, these hands, these feet, this purse - these are the only tools He has to work with so far as I am concerned... So far as you are concerned, your arm, your resources, your intelligence, your tongue, your energy, are the only tools the Lord has to work with."
Happy November and happy serving!
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