Sooooooo this week I spent some time in the wilderness. Not that living in Blackfoot isn't already kind of living in the wilderness... But this was legit wilderness. And not just wilderness. Mountains.Real mountains; none of those Virginian hills for me. I love mountains. I also love my Idahome.
Me and the boys went on a llama packing trip on Tuesday-Wednesday up in the Pioneer Range, which is past Arco, for those of you familiar with Idaho geography.

Me and the boys went on a llama packing trip on Tuesday-Wednesday up in the Pioneer Range, which is past Arco, for those of you familiar with Idaho geography.
This is Dale. He does not appreciate having his picture taken...
Packing trips are great because I don't have to carry anything, and we eat really great. Like, for reals. I'm not sure what other people eat on packing trips, but we eat Indian food. Can't beat that.
Other than how much I love being in the mountains, I don't have too much to say, except that trails are for pansies. Real hikers don't use 'em.
On Friday we spent the day in the Tetons, so there'll be another blog post later this week telling you about that crazy adventure. Enjoy the pics!
Copper Basin. See how the sides are rounded? That means the valley was carved by a glacier.
It's tradition to find a heart shaped rock when we're hiking.
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