Today in Sunday School we talked about Judges 4-8, which are the stories of Barak and Gideon. After Joshua died, the Israelites fell into bondage four times. I'm familiar with Samson, but not some of his predecessors. I really loved the lessons from these two men!
Judges Ch 4 and 5 tell about Deborah the prophetess and Barak, who delivered Israel from the Canaanites. I love the story of their friendship - in verses 8-9, Barak asked Deborah to go with him. Although at first glance it seems as though he is just afraid, through the rest of the story, you can see that it's more than that. Deborah was the kind of friend we should all be - uplifting those around us and encouraging righteous actions. During this part of the lesson, I kept thinking about those I know who have chosen to serve missions. What examples they all are to me! As I was pondering this lesson of friendship, I was also thinking about my own friends and those I associate with. Every one of them, in one way or another, has uplifted me and encouraged me to do my best.
Judges Ch 6-8 is the story of Gideon, who delivered Israel from the Midianites. I've heard this story, but never thought much of it. At first glance, he too seems unfaithful and afraid. Three times he asks and receives a miracle of the Lord as proof of his calling. For a minute, I wondered why the Lord would show him a sign, when Korihor in the Book of Mormon asks for a sign and is struck dumb. But Gideon was different because of his heart-it was pure, while Korihor's was not. Also, "faith precedes the miracle." Ether 12: 12 & 18 and D&C 35: 8-11. I love that all doctrine can be found in more than one book! Also, General Conference talks are the greatest! This is a short clip of President Monson, speaking about how faith precedes the miracle:
Gideon had great faith to receive the signs that he did. After a trial (or many) both of these men were able to save the Israelites and do great good. What examples we can find in the scriptures!
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