Easter Testament

   On this beautiful Easter morning there is not much for me to say, except that my heart overflows with gratitude for our Savior. His sacrifice is unfathomable to me. I'd like to share two of my favorite testaments of the Lord with you.
   The first is a slideshow of photos from Reflections of Christ - these photographs are incredibly beautiful, and there are several that will end up in my home! I love these depictions of Christ's life.

   The second is my all time favorite General Conference talk ever by Elder Bruce R. McKonkie. "The Purifying Power of Gethsemane" was Elder McKonkie's last General Conference talk and is an incredible testimony of the power of the Atonement. Hymn #134 "I Believe in Christ" is taken from this talk, as is the beautiful song "In a Coming Day." For those of you who would rather read the talk, this is the link: https://www.lds.org/general-conference/1985/04/the-purifying-power-of-gethsemane?lang=eng

   I know that Christ lives. He lived and died for each one of us. His life was one of love, as ours should be. One day, I know that I will see Him for myself, I will feel the nail prints in his hands and feet, and join my tears and praises with the many other testimonies which have been given of Him. 
