Cemeteries do not bother me. Not even when it's dark. (This is probably because of our close vicinity to the one in Lewiston.) In fact, they fascinate me. In a non-morbid way! Cemeteries are full of history, and you could say I kind of like history...
Last Wednesday, Isabelle and I went to Arlington National Cemetery with a friend of hers. It was windy and slushy and extremely cold, but definitely worth it. The changing of the guard was still my favorite part. But we also got to go into the room that connects to the empty catacombs under the amphitheater, which was cool because it's been open to the public only twice before.

If you enlarge this picture, you can see the front of a funeral procession. It was almost haunting to watch this wind its way through the trees with the music playing and a cannon blasting on the hill above them.
Arlington is a beautiful place, full of amazing stories. It is also very humbling to think about the kinds of sacrifices made to make a person eligible to be buried there. I am so grateful for the men and women of this country who have, are, and will sacrifice their lives for this country.
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