Santa Claus and Bubbles and Strange Weather

It's not rain. But it's not snow, hail, or slush either. It's frozen rain. And it sucks-it's kind of like pretend snow. I want real snow-you lucky Idahoans. But on another note, while it was in the negatives in Idaho this week, I was enjoying a nice 65 :)
This week was interesting; some other totally random things happened (besides experiencing a new weather pattern):
1. A black house cat without a tail hung out on the Loft stairs for about three days. It had a collar, so it was obviously loved, but it wouldn't leave because every girl who walked past it had to stop and pet it. Except for me.
2. The girls across the hall have the CUTEST door ever.

3. I played the vibes at a composition recital on Friday-very fun.
4. I edited my first video project. I now feel like I truly belong in the 21st century. 
5. I wrote my final paper for jogging class. The prompt was "How does jogging help uphold SVU's mission statement, which is to create leader-servants." Let's just say...I've written a lot of sarcastic papers, but this one definitely takes the cake.
6. We rearranged our room and I love all the space! (I'm still the middle)

7. Sara and I went to a Christmas parade on Thursday night. Blackfoot may not have much, but it does know how to parade. Buena Vista could definitely take some parade lessons. Although one float did have bubbles, which was sweet.
One week of class + finals and this semester will be over. Holy cow, has time flown!
