The Lofts

Since I have lots of catching up to do, I'll probably post a few times this week, but then I'll probably just write whenever I have something to say. Which might end up being everyday, who knows?
To put certain people at rest *ahem Mom, this post is mostly pictures of my dorm, The Lofts. I live on the first floor, which I'm really glad about since I already do soooo many stairs. And plus the ceilings are much higher here on the first floor. In fact, the first thing I thought when I saw my room was, "I could totally toss a double on my rifle in here!" Sadly, my rifle would not fit in my suitcase. 
The one thing I don't like about living on the first floor is the fact that boys are only allowed in the lobby of the first floor. And our room is really close to the lobby. Which means it's loud until midnight, because that's when the boys get kicked out.

My bed is the one in the middle. Yes, I have a blanket, it's just still too hot for it!

Our shower is teeny-tiny. I can't wait until it gets cold so I don't have to shave! (It's like doing yoga in the shower)

I took these pictures this morning before Macroeconomics

Another bonus for being on the first floor is that I'm closer to the microwave!

This is the other half of the lobby. There's a TV on the left, but I usually use the 2nd floor because it is MUCH more quiet.

The view from the front of the building-that's the Institute Building you see right there, it's very nice having it so close.

My roommates and I decided they just need to put up a zipline from the front door of The Lofts to the front door of the Institute Building
Now that you've seen where I live, I have one last parting message. When the weather says there is a 30% of rain between this hour and this hour, it doesn't mean that there won't be rain. It means that it WILL rain, just lightly, for the entire time specified. Which I guess means that if there's a 60% chance of rain, I better carry my umbrella!
