It's Beginning to Feel a Lot Like Christmas

     Okay well, actually I just want it to look like Christmas. But it does feel like it; it was FREEZING today. And the city has started to put up decorations, so it does k i i i i i n d o f look like Christmas. A little bit. Alright alright, mostly I just want it to be Christmas. "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas..."

     So on Thursday we got to take a tour of the White House. Thank you, Clark! Now I just need a tour of the West Wing, which is where all the cool stuff is. Here's part of our adorable little BYU-Idaho family:

     On Saturday some of us explored an island. In the dark. And the cold. Sometime I might go see it in the daytime...Speaking of cold, the walk home from church was SO cold. And we had to wait for the train But we're still alive! Also, Sarah and I taught Jared how to tie a scarf like a babushka. He got great looks on the metro.

     Basically, the theme of this week is that it was COLD. Send me the snow! And happy Thanksgiving!
